Sunday, August 17, 2008

Translation: definition

From the Merriam Websters Dictionary online
Main Entry:
\tran(t)s-ˈlā-shən, tranz-\
14th century
1: an act, process, or instance of translating: as a: a rendering from one language into another; also : the product of such a rendering b: a change to a different substance, form, or appearance : conversion c (1): a transformation of coordinates in which the new axes are parallel to the old ones (2): uniform motion of a body in a straight line 2: the process of forming a protein molecule at a ribosomal site of protein synthesis from information contained in messenger RNA — compare transcription 3
trans·la·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective

Welcome to the World of Translation

I welcome all of you to the world of translation. As this blog states, it is called Learning Translation and I plan to make it into an online learning portal that will focus on how to study and learn translation as also to improve and strengthen one's linguistic skills.

Best wishes and enjoy.